Same-Day Crowns In Oak Park

oak park same day crowns

What are Same-Day Crowns?

Same-day crowns, also known as CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) crowns, are a revolutionary dental treatment that allows patients to receive a custom-fitted, high-quality ceramic crown in just one visit. This technologically advanced treatment eliminates the need for multiple appointments, temporary crowns, and waiting weeks for a dental laboratory to create your crown. Instead, using digital imaging and 3D printing technology, Dr. Brandon Murphy at Murphy Dental Group, PLLC in Oak Park can design, create, and place your new crown in a single appointment.

The Benefits Of Same-Day Crowns

Same-day crowns offer several significant advantages over traditional crowns, including convenience, comfort, and quality.

  • Convenience – One of the most significant benefits of same-day crowns is convenience. Traditional crowns require at least two appointments – one for preparation and impressions, and another for placement. With same-day crowns, everything is completed in a single visit, saving you time and eliminating the need for temporary crowns.
  • Comfort – Same-day crowns also offer enhanced comfort. Since the process uses digital impressions instead of traditional ones, there's no need for uncomfortable impression trays or gag-inducing putty. Plus, because the crown is designed and made on-site, adjustments can be made immediately, ensuring a perfect fit and eliminating the discomfort of a poorly fitting crown.
  • Quality – Same-day crowns are made from high-quality ceramic, which closely mimics the strength, durability, and appearance of natural tooth enamel. This means your same-day crown will not only look and feel like a natural tooth, but it will also function like one, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.
same day crowns oak park
same day crowns in oak park

The Same-Day Crowns Treatment Process

The process of receiving a same-day crown is straightforward and efficient, involving three main steps: digital impressions, crown design, and crown placement.

  • Digital Impressions – The first step in the same-day crown process involves taking digital impressions of your teeth. Unlike traditional impressions, which can be uncomfortable and messy, digital impressions are quick, precise, and completely non-invasive. Dr. Murphy uses a state-of-the-art scanner to capture detailed images of your tooth, which are then used to create a 3D model for your new crown.
  • Crown Design – Once the digital impressions are complete, Dr. Murphy uses the 3D model to design your new crown. This is done using sophisticated software that allows for precise customization, ensuring your crown will fit perfectly and match your natural teeth in color and shape. The design process is quick, but meticulous, as every detail is fine-tuned to ensure the best possible fit and aesthetic result.
  • Crown Placement – After your crown has been designed, it's created right in the Murphy Dental Group, PLLC office using a special milling machine. This machine carves your crown out of a block of high-quality ceramic, matching the exact specifications of the design. Once the crown is ready, Dr. Murphy checks the fit and makes any necessary adjustments before permanently bonding it to your tooth.

Schedule Your Appointment for an Same-Day Crowns in Oak Park Today!

If you think you may need a Same-Day Crowns for any reason, contact us right away at (708) 524-0330 for an appointment, or come to our office at 137 N Oak Park Ave, Oak Park, IL 60301. We’re always taking new patients, and we’d be happy to see you.

Schedule your appointment today!